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DO IT part 2: CSS

· 3 min read

In the second part, I define the CSS styles.

DO IT (5 part series)
  1. Introduction
  2. HTML
  3. CSS
  4. JS
  5. Conclusion

CSS Sections

I separated the CSS file into three sections:

  1. Theme variables: defines light and dark theme variables
  2. Soft reset: applies a simple reset
  3. General styles: other styles

Theme variables

By default, variables are initialized with light theme colors. However, if the browser identifies a preference for dark theme through the media query, the variables are reset to dark theme colors.

/* ========================================   Theme variables======================================== */:root {  --background-color: white;  --foreground-color: black;  --text-color: red;}@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {  :root {    --background-color: black;    --foreground-color: red;    --text-color: white;  }}

Soft reset

For ease of styling, margin and padding are set to 0, and box-sizing to border-box for all elements, via the * selector.

/* ========================================   Soft reset======================================== */* {  box-sizing: border-box;  margin: 0;  padding: 0;}

General styles

Other styles, the highlights being:

  • Line 16: the perspective property defines the distance between the screen and the user's eyes, giving perspective to an element positioned in 3D, div.wrapper in this case
  • Line 20: the transform property rotates div.container on the x and y axes. Initially, the values ​​rotate div.container to the top left of the screen
  • Lines 29 and 30: the text-shadow property draws 50 shadows on the div.text element, giving the impression that the text is solid and three-dimensional, as each shadow is close to one another. Initially, the shadows point to the bottom right of the screen

Together, the perspective, transform and text-shadow properties create the three-dimensional effect.

/* ========================================   General styles======================================== */html {  font-family: "Montserrat", sans-serif;  font-weight: 900;  background-color: var(--background-color);}.wrapper {  min-height: 100dvh;  display: flex;  justify-content: center;  align-items: center;  perspective: 1000px;}.container {  transform: rotateX(14.5082deg) rotateY(-14.9276deg);}.text {  font-weight: bolder;  font-size: 20vw;  text-transform: uppercase;  color: var(--text-color);  text-align: center;  text-shadow: 0.039806996381182146vw 0.038688524590163934vw var(--foreground-color),    /* 49 more shadows */;}

Current result

With the styles defined, I got the following result:


Having defined the style, I moved on to interacting with JS: DO IT part 3: JS.

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